The circle of blog life, 2021 edition

I mean, is anyone shocked that I haven’t updated this thing in over a year? Does anyone even look at blogs anymore? I mean, obviously nobody is looking at mine. I probably should have just scraped it, but for some reason I just can’t let this little corner of the internet go. So, with two days to spare until this site was set to expire, I forked over the $18 to keep it alive. You’re welcome, universe!

So, here I am. I’m unsure if I should write about running (or my lack thereof, at the moment,) but really, there isn’t much running to write about right now. I was signed up for three different half marathons last year and a full in early spring and not surprisingly, they were all (thankfully, and rightfully) cancelled. All of my registrations got pushed to fall of this year, but even that seems far-fetched. I’m not the kind of person who wants to exercises because it’s the healthy thing to do (but I know I should be that person.) It’s stupid, but I need something bigger to get me to get out the door than basic health (especially since it’s no longer safe to run in my neighborhood, which is a different story for a different time.) I know once I get back into the groove, I’ll settle in quickly, and I’m sure by 2022 races will be back on everyone’s calendar…then I can spend all of 2022 debating if I should write about my half-assed training.

I suppose I could write about food/recipes, but does the world need another food blogger? There are already so many good ones, and I’m not a ‘foodie.’ There is no ‘yolk porn’ happening in my kitchen (WOOF.) I like my food basic, just like everything else in my life (given my love of Uggs, leggings, and pumpkin spice lattes, I’m the poster child for all things basic.) Plus, when I cook, I cook from the heart (yeah, I hate myself a little bit for saying that, thanks for asking!) Meaning, I don’t usually cook from recipes to begin with, much less write down what I throw into a pot or pan. Recipes are more of a ‘loose guide’ to me (though I’m pretty lucky that most of what I cook is pretty dang good, even if it’s not worthy of the ‘gram.) I mean, I literally ordered Annie’s Mac and Cheese in my latest box from Thrive Market (it’s not like I can blame that purchase on kids) I don’t think anyone needs recipe inspiration from me (in all fairness, it was an emergency craving purchase…I don’t eat it all the time.)

I would LOVE to write about my finances, but I’m just not ready to throw that out to the world, in writing. Though, I will say after a lot of years of doing a shitty job managing my non-retirement finances, it feels really good to be getting somewhere with regards to emergency savings and ‘rainy day/long term’ savings. And.. I STARTED A HOUSE FUND. I’m probably several years off from being able to buy a house (I’m a single, government employee currently living in California, so you do the math on that) but it feels so good to have it, even if it’s only sitting in the low four figures (which is, like, the cost of a decently comfortable couch.) But, most importantly, I can cover myself for 3-6 months if paychecks stop coming in (and that’s without touching any kind of retirement…though, in order to make it stretch to 6 months, it would be bare, bare, bare bones living, but that’s okay.) It feels so nice not to have to raid laundry quarters to buy food or gas! And while I hate getting older, I don’t miss the days of raiding my spare change to make ends meet.

Anyway, now I’m just writing in circles, trying to figure it out…hoping that I get inspired by something – ANYTHING at this point. You would think that after staying home 99% of the time for the last year, I’d have some time to write about something. ANYTHING. But the reality is that after spending all day on the computer, the last thing I want to do in my spare time is continue to sit at a computer. I’d rather watch Bravo, thank you very much! (I’m so, SO sad that Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is over for the season…seriously. Easily one of the best shows that has ever aired on Bravo – don’t @ me!)

So, for now, this is my annual ‘I don’t know what to do with my blog or my life’ post…only, I kind of feel like I have some direction on the ‘life’ thing now. I mean, it’s literally the eve of the eve of my 39th birthday, so having some kind of grip on my life, no matter how minor, seems more like a necessity and less like a victory (yeah, I’m still in shock and disbelief that I’m knocking on 40’s door…I mean, did I not just graduate high school a few years ago?)

Ah, the circle of blog life. It’s good to be back. I’ll catch y’all next year when I fork over more money for a domain that gets used once a year to talk about how I just forked over money for said domain even though I don’t know what to write about. Perhaps I should have put that $18 in the house fund ($18 can buy a few lightbulbs, yes?) Oh well, too late now.

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